Friday 6 August 2010

Wind Power - could we use farm assets more wisely?

I've said it before but it's really great to discover new sources of renewable energy 'talk' like this article on Farming Futures.

The gist is this - basically, farmers want to invest in renewables, given the large areas of land they own but are finding it difficult to get the right subsidies as bureaucracy dictates they simply cannot 'hook up' to the 'grid' if they're not using the energy themselves.

The article by David Hugill quotes other problems farmers are experiencing - availability of grid connection and confusion over what funding is and isn't supported.

I came away from reading the article thinking "we've really got to do more to support these guys". The opportunity for using large areas of land, whilst offering farmers an income without subsidies (for not growing crops or keeping livestock) must surely be seized?

The first 6 months of this year has flown by hasn't it? Bare in mind that there's only another 19 such periods to 2020 when we're supposed to be generating 15% + of our energy needs via renewables.

Read David Hugill's full article by clicking here.

photo credit: me'nthedogs

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