Friday, 18 February 2011

Should I wait for the Government review before installing solar panels?

There's been a lot of headlines, and we've posted our own articles, on the Government's decision to review feed-in tariffs with regards larger scale installations.

This has come in the wake of fears that investors are cashing in on the lucrative tariff payments by backing large scale installations on brown field sites, particularly in the South of England.

Understandably, homeowners get nervous at the thought of tariffs being reduced - will they continue and is it still worth installing photovoltaic solar energy?

As we understand it, the present tariff's (for homeowners) will still be reviewed in 2012. Any reduction to the feed-in tariff being paid to installations already created and claiming, cannot legally be reduced.

So if you've already got your solar panel installation in place and are claiming the feed in tariff, then it will take a lot of bureaucracy to reduce the amount you get paid.

The same is true for those considering a solar panel installation - getting in now before any review of rates or tariffs is probably the best course of action.

This March will see a Government review on larger scale installations - it's not expected to affect homeowners.

Homeowners still worried about a potential for reducing tariff rates would do well to look at other countries which have all had to reduce their tariffs due to over-subscription. Countries like Germany, Italy and Spain.

Whilst the rates for new subscribers were reduced, existing installations (to our knowledge) were un-affected.

photo credit: chris connelly

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