Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Look around - opportunities for renewables everywhere

Pride Park - Derby

It was one of those classic water cooler conversations, whilst the sun was beaming down here in Derbyshire yesterday.

The topic was Solar Panels and although the technology is more in the main-stream now, you still don't see that many on houses as you drive along.

A bit like satellite dishes in the early days I suppose... now on virtually every house and some have more than one.

Looking out of our offices on Pride Park, surrounded by flat / barrel / apex roofs, we came to the conclusion that if it was a planning 'compulsory' to fit each roof with solar panels, the electricity generated could power the whole of the town.

Then we started looking further.

The River Derwent runs along the foot of the Industrial Park - why not install some hydro-electricity generation? Plenty of flat land - why not add a couple of wind turbines? And the best bit... there's a land fill site across the river - why not add some form of refuse conversion?

In one conversation, we'd answered the power needs of Derby for the next century and provided a blueprint for other towns and cities to follow.

So the question is..... Why aren't we already doing it?

photo credit: chris barnes

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